Month: May 2020

The Fables of Anansi The Spider

Not many have heard the name or been told the story of the tricky and mischievous spider called Anansi. It is about an old Akan folklore character named Anansi, which, in the Akan language is the word ‘spider’. Known more to the West Africans, the Caribbean, and more specifically, Ghanaians, it originated from the Ashanti tribe in Ghana before spreading to different sides of the world like the West Indies, Netherlands Antilles among other places. This is because of the people who were enslaved during the Atlantic slave trade. These people were the main reason why the stories got to cross the oceans with the slaves through the use of oral tradition.  

Anansi stories are of an incredible amount of variety and even the name is represented in several other ways like; “Ananse”, “Anancy”, “Kwaku Ananse”, “Kompa Nanzi” to mention a few. Also, Anansi is depicted in a variety of ways in these stories as well. In some of the stories, Anansi was known to be either a man, a spider, or a combination of both, basically, an anthropomorphous person. He is a cultural hero who does things on behalf of his father, Nyame, the sky god. His mother’s name is Asase Ya and in some myths, he is known to have a family; a wife named Okonore Yaa or Aso in most regions. To properly analyze and explain the Anansi stories we must study the characters, the setting, the plot, and the main idea of the majority of the stories. The setting as earlier stated is West African and more specifically, Ghanaian. The characters have been ever-changing but the constant person obviously is Anansi and his trickiness. The plot as well is of a very wide variety as different authors write about Anansi in the same light but in so many different situations. In most of these situations, he has the odds stacked against himself for something he wants or he is too greedy with his wants and he escapes these situations by applying his cleverness which leads us to the main idea. For us who specialize in paper flower decoration and handmade greeting cards, the main idea is about storytelling. Anansi’s rise to becoming the king of all tales involved him going through a series of tests of which he made use of his wits to outsmart those who were in every way stronger than him. At the time of slavery, these stories were stories that carried hope as it was, to them, a message of resistance to the unfairness and how they were still capable of overcoming all forms of odds against them. These stories told to them by elders is one of the things that has led to their freedom now. Because of the hope given to them from storytelling, they believed in themselves and their ability to overcome powerful threats and so they did. This comes to show how important it is to tell stories even in this age, and we make it easier for you as you get to tell your stories using our handmade greeting cards. You get not only to pass down your customs traditions and stories but you get to do it in style using our paper flower decorations that are Handmade in Atlanta among many of our other creative methods.


If you are here, then, unlike the other people who are naturally gifted to know what exactly to write on a birthday card, you find it a tad difficult. Fortunately, we are here specifically to help with that. We have been able to put together a collective range of birthday messages and tips together with a few inspiring examples to get you on the go.

The following are various categories of people you are possibly writing to and what to write for them;

  1. Birthday wishes for a friend-

For a friend, you are looking to be as flexible, humorous, and personal as possible. You would also want to make it a handmade greeting card just to have that personal effect. 


  • “I hope this brightens your day, as you’ve always brightened mine”.
  •  “Happy birthday to the best person anyone could ever wish for”.
  1. For a spouse or relationship partner-

It might prove a little difficult trying to describe how much your significant other means to you. So, regardless of you’re married or you’re dating, all you should want to put in the card is something that sounds like you. Using your private pet names, writing about memories, using paper flower decoration, you just want to be as real as possible while being sweet and funny also.


  • “I still remember the very first time we looked into each other’s eyes and said the words ‘I love you’… because I feel the exact same way, even today. Thank you for that and happy birthday, my love.”
  • “Thank you for being you and for being mine. Happy birthday.”
  • “Happy birthday to [Jason], the [boy] who stole my heart.”
  1. For a sibling or relation-

These are the people who grew up with you and you still will have more years to send and receive birthday cards. You can be very flexible here and write long memories or short comments, just let them know you are proud of them and you care.


  • “I know of no other person that can be a dork and a sweetheart at the same time, but, that’s how you are, one in a trillion. Happy birthday [bro].”
  • “Happy birthday to a girl who has brought me countless scars but endless smiles. I love you.” 
  1. For a parent or a child-

It’s important to tell our parents or children just how much we care, even though they already know. You simply need to express gratitude and make them feel special.


  • “Some people don’t believe in superheroes, that’s because they haven’t met you [dad]”.
  • “My baby is plus one today. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten your age…I hope”.
  1. Belated, milestone and funny birthday messages-


  • “It’s not that I forgot or anything it’s just that I didn’t want to limit your birthday celebration to just a single day. So sweet of me right? Well, you’re worth it.”
  • “Congratulations on turning [30, 40, 50…] and still looking like a teenager”.

You could just take one of the examples and make use of it or read through the tips, added with a mix of the examples to create the custom birthday message for your birthday person making use of handmade greeting cards and paper flower decorations if desired. Both of which we offer handmade in Atlanta.


What to write in a Father’s day card.

Our dads are very special when it comes to family. Because of this, it most times can prove to be a little difficult to put into words and into writing, just how much they mean to us. We, for the sake of those who fall under the categories of either not knowing what to write or not knowing how to write it, have put together a comprehensive list of things to write in a father’s day card as well as a few tips and guidelines to help you out. It could also be for someone who has been influential, a grandfather or anyone you respect as a father figure to show them appreciation and shower them with love using write-ups on handmade greeting cards or already made cards with proper paper flower decorations.

  1. For Your Father

Obviously, he is the special one in this list. For your dad, you should let him know why he’s special. Select a few of his qualities that you admire the most, avoid generic phrasing and write straight from the heart. If your relationship with your father is not so cordial then you shouldn’t think it necessary to be complementary and heartfelt. You just need to focus on being positive and honest.


  • “I’m grateful for the example you set and the stability you bring to my life and the family”.
  • “Not many are lucky enough to say this but you made growing up fun for me, thank you and happy father’s day”.
  • “It isn’t your birthday or anything but if every other person is celebrating their fathers today then we need to throw you a banquet today because you are the best dad in the world. No kidding. Happy father’s day”.
  1. For Your Grandfather

For your grandfather, you would want to simply remind him why he is so cherished and honor him as well.


  • “Happy father’s day papa. I know you have a lot of stories and you have achieved a lot of things but being a grandfather is your best achievement to me, you do it so well.”
  • “Happy father’s day to a father who truly is the grandest of them all”.
  1. For your husband or partner

Your husband will definitely love that you have noticed the effort he puts into being a good father and respect together with appreciation are the main theme for this.

  • “One single day is not enough for us to honor how special a father you are because you are simply amazing every single day. Thank you and happy father’s day.”
  • “Happy father’s day to you, we are absolutely killing it as parents, thank you for that”.
  1. For a father figure

This could be anyone who has been influential or a father figure in your life and you should want them to know you hold them in high esteem.


  • “Thank you for guiding, mentoring, and caring so much about me, just like a father would”.


  • Using handmade greeting cards is sure to amplify the warmness of your write-ups, showing the effort you put in. Fortunately, we make your gifts just that little bit special using handmade greeting cards, handmade in Atlanta.
  • Proper paper flower decoration will do well for the aesthetics of the card as well. Also handmade in Atlanta, by us.



  1. You deserve love, appreciation, remembrance, and a world full of joy and happiness. Happiest Mother’s Day to you!
  1. It takes a strong and beautiful woman like you to draw strength from troubles and obstacles like you have. I am very proud of you. Happy Mother’s Day!
  1. There’s nothing like a mother’s love to give us all the strength we need to succeed. Thanks for everything!
  1. I want you to know you are a very special part of my life. Thank you for your love and support. Happy Mother’s Day!


  1. You gave me the gift of life so our gifts to you pale in comparison. Happy Mother’s Day!
  1. Thank you, Mom, for showing me how to be the best version of myself. I am a strong woman because a strong woman raised me. I am so thankful for everything you’ve done for me.
  1. Thanks for all you do for me. Now that I’m a parent myself my admiration for you has grown even more. Happy Mother’s Day!
  1. Dear mom, I can never repay you for all your countless sacrifices and endless love and care. Wishing you a very happy Mother’s Day!


  1. You’re an amazing mother and a brilliant grandmother to my children. We all love you very much!
  1. May your Mother’s Day be filled with as much happiness as you brought to my childhood. I love you, Grandma!
  1. I just want you to know how special and fortunate I find myself to be blessed with a grandma as loving, caring, and wonderful as you.
  1. Your home is the setting of some of my happiest memories. Happy Mother’s Day!


  1. Thanks for being there through the tears, laughter, and dirty diapers. Thank you for all the ways you go above and beyond every day for our family. We are so lucky to have you. Happy Mother’s Day!
  1. Happy Mother’s Day to the woman by whom all women are judged. By the way, no one measures up.
  1. Thank you for making us feel so loved and cared for every single day. For today at least, I hope I can do the same for you. Happy Mother’s Day, my love!
  1. God has given me a woman that has proven to be a beautiful mother, a wonderful wife, and an amazing friend. I’m thankful to God for you being such a blessing in my life. Happy Mother’s Day!


  1. Sisters like you are priceless. You have been a wonderful influence on me since I was born and I know your own children must feel the same way.
  1. Despite how hard and frustrating it must be at times, I just want you to know that you’re a really good mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
  1. I’ve stolen nice things from you my whole life. Mother’s Day feels like a great time to give you a gift and return the favor. Happy Mother’s day sister.
  1. I always knew you’d be a great mom because you’re such a great sister.


  1. Happy Mother’s Day auntie, thank you for always being by my side, you are like a second mother and I love you so much.
  1. You’re the best aunt ever. Thanks for being there for me in all the ways that mattered.
  1. You’re good at taking care of everybody else, but today it’s all about YOU. Enjoy your day!
  1. Every story with you from my childhood makes me smile. I officially have the best aunt ever. Happy Mother’s Day!